Instatoons = a portmanteau of Instagram and Cartoon, referring to comic-style content specifically created for and posted on Instagram.
From November 2019 to September 2023, I produced Instatoons called Kirin Grim.

I told stories about my experiences as an immigrant in the United States, episodes from my childhood, the mistreatment I received at my first job as a video producer, and so much more.

Throughout the years being an Instatoon artist, I successfully organized several follower events, resulting in more than a 4.5% increase in followers and engagement. I also hosted Instagram live sessions to interact directly with my followers and foster a strong fan community. 

I had a great opportunity to exhibit my artwork in a special exhibition called "The Power of Reason," organized by the Korean Writers' Conference at Gyeongui Line Book Street. The exhibition was held to celebrate the 5th anniversary of the opening of Gyongui Line Book Street, with the specific purpose of cheering and consoling the audience about the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic with themes such as contemplation, meditation, reflection, and healing.

Translations from the top left - right - bottom left - right.

Confucius: If one learns from others, but does not think, one will be bewildered. If, on the other hand, one thinks but does not learn from others, one will be in peril.
Socrates: The unexamined life is not worth living.
Thomas Watson: Our company's slogan is "THINK"
Kirin: Contemplate to defeat COVID-19.

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