
Main Title Sequence
Personal Project

Based on the award-winning series of comic books by Charles Forsman,
The End of the F***ing World invites viewers into the dark and confusing lives of teen outsiders James and Alyssa as they embark on a road trip to find Alyssa's father, who left home when she was a child.

Style Frame

I tried to keep the atmosphere of mysteriousness to stimulate viewers' 
curiosity and interest about misadventures that characters face throughout the story.


Since the title sequence is meant to introduce the series, I first identified the key moments that significantly impact the main storyline or the two main characters. 

I included the locations and elements that symbolize these important moments, especially when introducing the two main actors/characters, while ensuring not to reveal too much of the storyline.

Music by Eden Jung

Contact: beu.universe@gmail.com

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